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Our next support for the "Self-Employment" program

Yelo Bank supports citizens to start their own business in order to improve the social welfare of low-income families. This time, within the framework of the "Self-Employment" project, the Bank gifted special equipment to entrepreneurs for small businesses in Naftalan, Ganja and Tovuz.

Zenfira Hagverdiyeva, a resident of Naftalan, has long dreamed of establishing her own business for the production of flour products. The sweets she cook and liked by everyone who tasted them motivated her to open her own place. Yelo Bank, which made Zenfira realize her dream, provided her with the necessary equipment. She will now continue this work that she started with enthusiasm as an entrepreneur and will soon grow her business.

Gulnara Israfilova, a resident of Ganja, was the next citizen who was pleased by the project. Gulnara, who wishes to open a women's salon and make women beautiful, was given all the necessary equipment to realize her plans. It makes us happy that women have a special place among potential entrepreneurs. Thus, Yelo Bank contributes to the development of women's entrepreneurship in our country.

Alasgar Valiyev, a resident of Tovuz, who wants to open a small carpentry workshop, is one of the citizens who benefited from the project. He was provided with all the necessary materials and equipment to establish and further develop his business.

It should be noted that the "Self-employment" program is implemented according to the memorandum signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Central Bank and the Association of Banks of Azerbaijan. According to the conditions of the social program, citizens belonging to vulnerable groups who want to engage in individual entrepreneurship are provided with production or service equipment. The goal is to support those people to establish small family businesses or to develop their existing businesses.

As Yelo Bank, we always approach the implementation of social projects with special sensitivity. Thus, our bank, which was one of the first to join the "Self-employment" program, will continue to provide support for the successful implementation of this project.


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